Basic rules for healthy eating in diabetes

 It is necessary to count grain units (XE), they are also called conventional units (UE). This is mandatory, especially for patients with type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent).

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You should count XE and write down your diet. 1 XE is 12-15 g of easily digestible carbohydrates. 1 XE increases SC by an average of 2 mmol/l (excluding the effect of sugar-containing drugs). If you know the equivalent of XE in products, then your diet can be varied. It is advisable to replace XE with products that are equivalent in terms of absorption rate of substances, which depends on the fiber content, as well as on the temperature of the dish.

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All vegetables, except for potatoes, can be omitted by arbitrary units, while the rest of the carbohydrate-containing products must be counted.

Frozen Food

You should almost completely abandon foods containing easily digestible (simple) carbohydrates.

Eggs and Cheese

These are sweets, jam, condensed milk, marshmallows, marmalade, halva, cakes, jam, etc., as well as oatmeal and semolina porridge, mashed potatoes.


You need to eat more fiber and less refined foods. Vegetables are recommended to eat 3 times a day.

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To lose weight, you should follow a low-calorie diet, avoid eating fatty foods. No need to set unattainable goals: losing weight slowly is easier, and the results are more stable. A weight loss of 2-3 kg per month is quite a good result. For starters, you can just eat a little less, according to the principle: “halve it”. Short-term diets harm the body, and expensive drugs such as fat burners can seriously disrupt metabolism. When you eat rarely, hypoglycemic conditions are possible, and the body in this mode is forced to make reserves (fat deposits). On the contrary, the constant observance of the rules of a healthy diet in combination with physical exercises gives a guaranteed result without violence against oneself.